Meet Lilly

Lilly is a platform to enable automation and intelligent solutions, dedicated to optimizing your experience with Satair.

As a digital and automated entity, Lilly is 24-7 available, she facilities digital communication, and empowers you with innovative features to help you run a smooth daily operation.

Lilly responds to customer needs

We constantly monitor our customers’ needs and suggestions. From our regular surveys and day-to-day feedback, we have identified that responses to quotes are among the recurring themes.

  • Lilly ensures super-fast and automated responses for your everyday quotation needs.
  • Lilly immediately discovers a missing price and passes this on to SPOCs for manual handling.
  • In general, Lilly is alert to missing information, and this helps our organisation to act and optimise.

Lilly saves you time

Lilly gets smarter and faster day by day. These are her current achievements:

Quote email average response time with Lilly: 2 minutes

Quote email average response time before Lilly: 24 hours

Find all your quotes in one place

Did you know that all your quotes, no matter if placed online, converted by Lilly, or handled manually, are found in one quote overview?

Check it out

Current features powered by Lilly

Converts any file to a list

No more looking for individual parts. Just drag and drop you’re your own file such as .xlsx. or svt. file onto Market and Lilly converts it into a list with the available products, that you can add to cart in one click.

Responds super-fast to your email quotation request

Lilly reads your email and converts your request for quotation within just minutes and responds with email containing all your quotation information.

Converts your quotes into Market orders

Once your quote is generated, you receive an email with the quote attached. At the same time, Lilly creates a link so you can easily convert your quote into an order on Satair Market.

The real-life Lilly


The real Lilly, Emma Lillian Todd, was an aviation pioneer of her time. Her roles throughout life reflect how we see the digital Lilly’s role in relation to you.

A spare part expert

Lilly was both an inventor and an aeronautical engineer, and the first woman to design and build her own aircraft.

A mentor

Lilly founded Junior Aero Club where she acted as both mentor and teacher. Here young people would learn about flight and how to build aircraft models.

An assistant

Lilly’s last job was as a private assistant and secretary for her patroness, who had supported her work through many years.