Meet Mee Wah

Used Parts Manager, Singapore

Say hello to Mee Wah

Mee Wah has been with Satair for over eight years, beginning as a Customer Order Fulfillment Officer in 2016. In 2024, she assumed the role of Used Parts Manager, responsible for overseeing used parts sales. Read her story below.

What most excites you about working in aviation?

What excites me about aviation is its dynamic nature and our crucial role in ensuring safety and airworthiness. Managing and fulfilling customer’s requests for spare parts adds another layer of fulfillment. Knowing that my contributions help keep planes flying safely and transporting thousands of passengers worldwide is incredibly humbling and immensely satisfying. It feels great to contribute to such a vital aspect of global transportation.

"Working at Satair has been an incredible journey. The support and collaboration among colleagues make each day rewarding. I am proud to be part of a team that values mutual respect and inclusivity."

Which of our company values resonate with you? Can you recall a situation in which you or someone else lived up to our values?

The company value that resonates with me the most is the "can-do attitude." This value was strongly demonstrated by our colleagues when we faced a significant backlog in goods receiving at our warehouses. During these times, colleagues from various functions volunteered their time after work hours to help clear the backlog manually. The "can-do attitude" and extraordinary teamwork displayed during these times were both inspiring and heartwarming. It showed me the true spirit of Satair, where everyone pitches in and supports one another, no matter the challenge. This "can-do attitude" is not just a value; it is a lived experience that brings out the best in all of us.

Have you experienced inclusivity in your work environment?

Absolutely. Despite joining Satair with minimal digital skills and a different work background, I was warmly welcomed by colleagues of all ages and backgrounds. My younger colleagues included me and generously helped me improve my computer literacy. Their patience and support not only helped me complete my tasks but also boosted my confidence in using new technologies. This exemplifies the inclusive and collaborative spirit that defines our workplace.

What advice would you give a fellow Newcomer?

Embrace the supportive culture of the company wholeheartedly. Do not be afraid to ask questions or seek assistance from your colleagues, they are really welcoming and happy to help. Do also take the effort to understand the company's values and goals and ensure your work reflects them. Finally, never underestimate the importance of developing relationships within Satair and with customers; it is these ties that make work truly enjoyable.

Tell us about one of the most memorable experiences from your time at Satair. What made it so special and unforgettable?

One of my most memorable experiences at Satair was during a training stint at the head office, where I had the opportunity to visit the hangar for the final assembly of aircraft. I was also fortunate enough to witness a Beluga aircraft carrying parts taking off from the runway. Seeing an aircraft being assembled from individual components to the final product up close was awe-inspiring. The intricate process and meticulous attention to detail were truly remarkable and unforgettable.

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