

Once the products in your order have been picked and packed at one of our warehouses, your preferred shipping forwarder must pick up your shipment and transport it to your destination address.

Please contact your regional Single Point of Contact (SPOC) at Customer Resolution Services who will be able to assist you.

Depending on your selected order priority and subject to availability, a prioritized order processing, picking and packing procedure is executed. Thereafter, Satair’s shipping department will contact your nominated freight forwarder that parts are ready for pick-up.

There is no need to contact the Customer Resolution Services or AOG desk. We will keep you up to date through email and you will be able to view the status of your order in your order overview.

For parts that are not in stock, you will be able to see the estimated delivery date (EDD) already at check out. If the EDD changes, this will be reflected in your order overview.


Satair reserves the right to effect deliveries from its global network of regional warehouses or other supplier locations. The products you have ordered are generally released from a location where stock is available. When you place an order for an item available at multiple warehouses, Satair endeavours to release the parts from your preferred warehouse.

For most of our parts, the weight and dimensions are available on the product page on Satair Market. If the details are missing on the product overview, then the final weight and dimensions will not be known until the ordered item is boxed and ready for pick-up. Please note that the shipping documents will be available once your order is activated for pick-up.