
Fees & Prices

We offer parts and services at competitive prices. Fees are associated with certain goods and shipments such as an additional packing fee for Hazardous material /Dangerous Goods (hazmat/DG) and for Aircraft On Ground (AOG) shipments of Airbus Proprietary Parts and tools.

The Airbus proprietary parts price catalogue is published annually to the ATA Marketplace.

Please contact your Account Director who will provide you with the methodology and an average percentage of the price increase. In some cases, prices are reduced for specific part numbers.

For price quotation, please contact your regional Single Point of Contact (SPOC) at Customer Resolution Services who will get back to you with the requested price once it is available.

Please contact your Account Director who will provide you with the methodology of price increases.

Prices may increase in case of raw material shortages or other evolutions of worldwide indices.

This depends on the part itself and the individual forwarder agreement. For Airbus proprietary parts only, Satair will apply a surcharge on AOG orders. All other parts will not see any fee applied even if handled under AOG conditions. Your nominated forwarder may apply additional transport charges for accelerated transportation.

See also:

Is there a fee for AOGs and do I need to fill the form in the Spares portal?