Provisioning support
Besides a large portfolio of products and spares Satair can offer provisioning support for your aircraft’s Entry-into-Service. And whether you’re looking for the Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL), advice on which spares to stock for Line Maintenance Breakdown Parts (LMPs), or more in-depth guidance we’re here to help.
Generally Satair follows the guidelines for Initial Provisioning stipulated in the WASG (World Airlines and Suppliers Guide) and has entered into customized agreements detailing the EIS support for material with Airbus aircraft buyers.
Beyond that it is our overall ambition to support customers with our full range of services, training, parts and tools to make aircraft fly.
Provisioning Managers are assigned to Airbus aircraft buyers only during their active contractual provisioning period that generally ends 90 days after the last aircraft delivery.
As such many of Satair’s customers including but not limited to MRO’s or aircraft buyers beyond this 90day period don’t have an assigned Provisioning Manager and are supported through the regular Order Desk channels.
You can also reach out to your Account Director for further guidance.
The RSPL is a provisioning data document provided by aircraft manufacturers to aircraft buyers to ease the planning and procurement of spares well before aircraft delivery. The Recommended Spare Parts List is the working document presented and discussed during the Initial Provisioning (IP) conference. It contains recommendations for various spares categories (rotables, expendables). These recommendations are based upon a mathematical model that is using several parameters (e.g. annual flight hours, component reliability, repair shop processing time, installed units, fleet-size etc).
If you have any related questions on material support or need more information, please contact your Satair Provisioning Manager or your Account Director.
For aircraft buyers only and during the contractual provisioning period the RSPL and its revisions are provided at no cost.
The W-file gathers all provisioning data on Tools and Ground Support Equipment (GSE) needed to support type-specific Airbus aircraft maintenance and repairs.
The document is customised at aircraft type and serial number level and considers commonalities in your existing fleet.
If you need more information or have any questions on material support, please contact your Satair Provisioning Manager or ask your Account Director.